Global Logistics Summit Network is dedicated in creating a better world for the next generation. We are very happy to work with The Good Looks Foundation to empower and aid a new generation.
The Good Looks Foundation: Global represents the worldwide goals of the foundation and was created with the intention of giving back to some of the most vulnerable populations across the globe.
All organizations that The Good Looks Foundation works with must meet three important criteria:
Their cause must benefit who they are trying help directly and with transparency
Their cause must be non-governmental and non-religious.
There must be minimal, if any, administrative fees to ensure that 100% of funds donated go to their intended cause With these criteria in mind,
The Good Looks Foundation’s mission, through its commitment to equitability, flexibility, and transparency, is to provide aid to those in need in ways that are truly impactful. The Good Looks Foundation is not committed to just one cause, instead adhering to the belief that there are many causes that deserve both time and attention, big or small.
Want to know more about Good Looks Foundation? Click here